알 수 없는 사용자 2009. 7. 2. 15:59

저렴한 가격과 훌륭한 맛으로 인기를 끌고 있는 레스토랑으로, 프랑스 전역에 12개의 체인점을 가지고 있으며 그 명성 또한 대단합니다.
다양한 구성의 메뉴가 가격대에 따라 알아보기 쉽게 되어 있습니다.
프랑스 레스토랑에 도전해보고 싶지만 자신이 없으신 분들, 가이드책에 나온 레스토랑들은 너무 비싸다고 생각될때 망설이지 말고 가주세요.
냄비, 포크와 스푼 등으로 장식한 독특한 인테리어의 레스토랑을 만나실 수 있습니다.

상세한 메뉴정보는 아래와 같습니다.

Opera-Menu  Decouverte menu
Blackberry Kir
mixed salad with slice of beet  or  seasonal soup  or  leeks with mimosa (egg) vinaigrette
Roasted pork spare rib and chicken with home-made mashed potatoes  or  Roasted salmon and chicken
with home-made mashed potatoes  or  Roasted duck and chicken with honey, home-made mashed potatoes
Creme brulee with brown sugar  or  Roasted apple in oven  or  Floating island

Opera-Menu  Saveur menu

Blackberry kir
Crispy goat's cheese with apples and mixed salads  or 
Crab raviolis and shellfish cream  or  6 snails in their shell
Rotisserie : slice of beef, chicken and mashed potatoes  or  Duet of fishes with mashed potatoes flavoured with basil
                 or  Duck leg Confit, home-made mashed potatoes
Creme brulee  or  Fruit salad and sorbet  or  floating island
1/2 bottle of Muscadet or Pays d'Oc rose or red (37,5cl) or Pepsi (50cl)
50 cl Mineral water, 1 coffee

Opera-Menu  Gourmand menu
Glass of Champagne brut
Duck foie gras  or  6 oysters from Brittany N°4  or  Mixed salads
Poached sea scallop with basmati rice  or  Roasted breast of Duck  or  Roasted beef with home-made mashed potatoes
Hot chocolate profiteroles  or  Moist tender chocolat cake  or  Giant caramelized pancake
1/2 bottle of Muscadet or Pays d'Oc rose or red (37,5cl) or Pepsi (50cl)
50 cl Mineral water, 1 coffee

Bastille-Menu  Decouverte menu
Blackberry Kir
mixed salad with slice of beet  or  seasonal soup  or  leeks with mimosa (egg) vinaigrette
Roasted pork spare rib and chicken with home-made mashed potatoes  or  Roasted salmon and chicken with
home-made mashed potatoes  or  Roasted duck with honey, home-made mashed potatoes
Creme brulee with brown sugar  or  Roasted apple in oven  or  Floating island

Bastille-Menu  Saveur menu
Blackberry kir
Crispy goat's cheese with apples and mixed salads  or  Crab raviolis and shellfish cream  or  6 snails in their shell
Rotisserie : slice of beef, chicken and mashed potatoes  or  Duet of fishes with mashed potatoes flavoured with basil
                 or  duck leg Confit, home-made mashed potatoes
creme brulee  or  fruit salad and sorbet  or  floating island
1/2 bottle of Muscadet or Pays d'Oc rose or red (37,5cl) or Pepsi (50cl)
50 cl Mineral water, 1 coffee

Bastille-Menu  Gourmand menu
Glass of Champagne brut
Duck foie gras  or  6 oysters from Brittany N°4  or  mixed salads
Poached sea scallop with basmati rice  or  Roasted breast of Duck  or  Roasted beef with home-made mashed potatoes
Hot chocolate profiteroles  or  moist tender chocolat cake  or  giant caramelized crepe

Elysee-Menu  Decouverte menu
Blackberry Kir
Mixed salad with slice of beet  or  seasonal soup  or  leeks with mimosa (egg) vinaigrette
Roasted pork spare rib and chicken with home-made mashed potatoes  or  Roasted salmon and chicken
with home-made mashed potatoes  or  Roasted duck with honey, home-made mashed potatoes
Creme brulee with brown sugar  or  Roasted apple in oven  or  floating island

Elysee-Menu  Saveur menu
Blackberry kir
Crispy goat's cheese with apples and mixed salads  or  Crab raviolis and shellfish cream  or  6 snails in their shell
Rotisserie : slice of beef, chicken and mashed potatoes  or  Duet of fishes with mashed potatoes flavoured with basil
                 or  duck leg Confit, home-made mashed potatoes
creme brulee  or  fruit salad and sorbet  or  floating island
1/2 bottle of Muscadet  or  Pays d'Oc rose  or  red(37,5cl)  or  Pepsi(50cl)
50 cl Mineral water, 1 coffee

Elysee-Menu  Gourmand menu
Glass of Champagne brut
Duck foie gras  or  6 oysters from Brittany N°4  or  mixed salads
Poached sea scallop with basmati rice  or  Roasted breast of Duck  or  Roasted beef with home-made mashed potatoes
Hot chocolate profiteroles  or  moist tender chocolat cake  or  giant caramelized crepe
1/2 bottle Muscadet or Cote de Provence or Beaujolais (37,5 cl)  or  Soft Drink (50 cl)
50 cl Mineral water, 1 coffee

* (특정한 경우를 제공하고) 예약시에 위 메뉴 그대로 제공됩니다.
